Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Online Business Tips: 3 Tips to Help You Write Popular Blog Posts

Are you hungry to boost your page views?

Writing viral posts should never be your goal; once you try too hard creativity goes out of the window. Smart online business tips honor your creativity.

Writing popular blog posts:

  • boosts your authority; folks love a pro working their niche like a pro
  • helps you increase your ad revenue
  • boosts your passive cash flow; popular posts generate you steady traffic over weeks, months and years

Look down to the right. See my popular posts widget? Well my blog is but 3 months old but a few of my classic span back for months, too.

Yep, tip #1: use a "popular posts" widget to boost views on your viral posts.

Use a Popular Posts Widget

Toss the other tips out of the window.

If you craft a viral post and put it on ice nobody can see it. "Popular" becomes '"yesterday's news."

But if you use these online business tips your popular posts see a slow and steady increase in traffic.

Be smart. Show off your popular posts. Get more page views.

Review Your Popular Titles and Use 'em Again

OK, do not use the same exact title but do use old, popular titles for inspiration.

Each post with high views speaks volumes about your titles.

Sift through these posts; take the time to re-craft titles from popular posts.

Foolish bloggers try to re-invent the wheel each time; smart bloggers create using a solid blueprint.

The blueprint consists of: studying what worked and using the idea again.

Take the time to check your metrics.

Readers quickly notify you which posts are popular and specifically, which titles snag your attention.

Solve the Most Practical of Problems

Look down, there, to the right, and once again you see why posts become popular.

People arrive to have problems solved. Solve them by listening to your target audience.

What problems do fellow bloggers from your niche solve? Take these online business tips and run with 

Of course put your twist on the title, or ideas, to make the ideas your own.

Practical is popular.

Keep it simple.

Smart titles, practical problem solving and make sure to use the "popular posts" widget.

Do you use these tips to write popular blog posts?

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