Hahahha....this one is a good one, because most failing internet home business will not see it. They might read and nod their head, and then go back and yep, you guessed it, complain, whine, besmirch others, rag on their home based opp, and do all the type of stuff that losers do. Then they will post ads on Facebook Groups for the next 10 hours - like they have been doing for the past 5 years - and after another day of like 2 opt ins and no money, they will wonder why they have made like $500 over the past 4 years of being an online entrepreneur. They will complain to their mentor, they will complain about their biz, they will complain to other losers who, of course, will agree with them, because losers love to basque in misery, because it feels normal, and natural, ya know what I am saying?
(Pic above at the NYC Auto Show, lots of winners there) Suck It Up
I laugh when I write this because yep, I was the same miserable loser for a long time. I complained. I whined. I did loser-like stuff to receive loser-like results and to make matters worse I found myself agreeing with pathetic losers. Wow, that was a wake-up call, because once i sucked it up and got super honest with myself and swallowed my pride, I realized that yep, I was hanging with people who retarded my internet home business growth, like, in a big way. I was hurting myself because I never surrounded myself with people who would push me. I surrounded myself with enablers, and to make matters worse, I enabled losers, too, believing that I was a gifting team leader yeah right lol! Suck it up. Be honest with yourself.
OK, the Next Step
Once you are honest with yourself you will never have issues prospering online, because you let go all the old, limiting states of mind - and people - which hold you back to make room for high energy, full-of-life, successful, prospering internet home business entrepreneurs. Yep you set up a delightful vacuum which sucks up the good stuff after you release the bad stuff. You must let go to grow, and this means letting go people who attempt to strangle your vision, or down your ambition, or who do anything to make fun of you, or belittle you. Release this vermin to make room for winners who actually want you to succeed.
Lose losers. Ryan Biddulph helps you grow your business online and he also travels, like, all the time too.