After starting this blog 2 days ago I am reaching 1000 page views already. Hey, I see that as good money. I mean, 1000 page views - and yeah I will hit that, tonight - after 2-3 days is a good deal, and the views will only continue to rise as I churn them out. OK, I got people's attention fast, I snagged it, I grabbed it, and I ain't letting it go. I am not fighting folks of course, but I am growing my internet home business from a tenacious, aggressive space. I am attacking each day with this blog by snaring your attention and I do not plan on letting go, you know. Once you have your reader's or viewer's attention you are beyond golden. You will win. You will never lose, because your attention, your focus, that is where you devote all of your power. That is the place, the space, where folks are present.
Feel Passionate About Your Offering
I received a serious charge on this blog, such a big league charge that hey, I am still carrying the same whacky positive energy today, some 2 days after developing the internet home business blog and writing my first post. I was excited and people feel my excitement, so naturally, I snare your attention because passion, well, passion is contagious, and passionate people feel your passion, and just have to respond by paying attention. So, get uber passionate about your offering to get serious about getting people's attention, pronto.
Value Value Value
I did something different on this blog and oh boy - or girl - I see the benefit in throwing value all over the place. I linked up to my most popular blog posts and decided to show this widget or gadget along the side of the page. Wow. People stick around, and read, and my page views jump, because I am grabbing your attention and keeping it with the serious value I share on a daily basis. Over deliver value and make it easy for people to see your old internet home business content and you better believe people will stick around on a daily basis. I know, because I see page views for each post jump each day, and although I do a little bit of promoting I also know people are checking out my most popular and related blog posts, and they are eating up these offerings.
Good Titles
Each of my blog post titles snag your attention by asking a question, or by solving a problem, or by using numbers - people LOVE numbers - so, there you go. I have your attention because I snagged your attention the split second I churned out an intriguing title. Ryan Biddulph travels the world and helps you prosper with your
internet home business. Image