Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1 Stupid Mistake I Promise to Never Make Again

I write. I write. I write. I run 3 blogs. I offer my ghostwriting services to clients. I write for an SEO company. I publish paid guest posts. I am a busy dude, so busy that sometimes I make stupid, hurried, silly mistakes. I promise to never make this one again.

The Lure of Quick Easy Money Clouded My Ultimate Vision

Being lured by the promise of quick, easy money, I rushed through my blog posts on my blogs - which generate me steady Adsense revenue, and leads, and potential writing clients - to do the paid stuff. Now it feels good to get paid quickly but it feels even better to be true to your vision. Yes, my chief vision centers on growing my blogs.

Writing Shorter Posts Kinda Dumb Really

The mistake was stupid; I wrote shorter, OK, but not rousing, posts here, and on my 2 other blogs, to write more in depth paid articles or blog posts. Well, that was silly, and 2 days back I re-committed myself to writing quality, SEO-ed out, home business or online business related blog posts. I was stupid but thank goodness I learned.

Rushing through the Posting Process Because of the Scrilla

I mean the posts I wrote were good, and solid, but I rushed through the posting process, and I knew that I could do better, especially when observing my paid work. I could be a bit more thorough, even if it meant working an hour later into the night or waking up an hour earlier in the morning.

This is the deal; you know I write 9, 12 or 15 posts daily. Well, I just need to expound a bit more on 9 of those bad boys, to seal the deal and be true to my ultimate vision.

Push Yourself to See Better Results

To succeed I need to push myself but I am down with that.

Are you?

What are you doing to grow your online business? Are you chasing dollars and losing sight of your ultimate goal, you vision?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below so we can chat, OK?