I took this photo on an early morning in Rawai Bay, Phuket....stay on the southern end of the island folks.....paradise!
I know good-intentioned people who come off as jerks.
These people want to do the right thing, and help people, but they make 1 grand mistake which forever makes them....well.....jerks.
No matter how nice they are, once they go down this road, they are doomed. Jerk-dom.
What is the mistake?
What is the quick way to grow your business without being a jerk?
Telling the Truth
By telling the truth you:- keep your good karma intact
- attract online business leaders eager to accelerate your growth
- sleep soundly
- attract more affluent people to your online business opportunity
I have spoke to people who lie with their advertising.
Then after lying these individuals reluctantly ask me if they should "tell the truth" when speaking to prospects, knowing that the lazy ad magnets will never join a venture where you must bust your ass.
I had these discussions with people, honest to goodness. I am floored by the lack of scruples, the lack of honesty and the outright jerkiness, in these folks, who are by all accounts, OK folks....just jerky online business entrepreneurs.
But of course, people who know you as strangers label you an online business jerk and forget you forever if you lie to them.
You have 1 chance to make a positive impression on someone. Telling the truth is the quickest, easiest way to make a positive impression.
Resist the urge to tell a lie, to make a quick buck, and you can earn a fortune now, and in the future, with a solid reputation.
The quick way to grow your business while being a nice guy or nice gal is to be honest.
- making inflated online business claims
- creating hyped-up advertising copy
- associating with a-holes
- fighting people who catch you in a lie
- learning from people who build their marketing campaign on the idea of being a jerk
If you tell the truth you can grow your business fast because truthful people become popular people and popular people make plenty of good friends and your good friends will grow your online business quickly.
Stop lying. Tell the truth each time you write post, or post an advertisement, or help people.
Do not lie to get an online business sign up. Do not lie to make money online.
Tell the truth, sleep well, keep your good karma intact and grow your work at home venture from a high energy, helpful space.
- Do not add an extra 1 or 2 "0's" to your income claims
- Do not make income claims that....well....you have not MADE yourself
- Be honest in all of your business dealings
- Do not lie about how much many you can make to trick a prospect into signing up for your online business
Do you intend to tell the truth?
Do you follow up on that intent?
How has telling the truth helped you?
How has telling the truth aided your online business growth?